
  • Brouwland is going to distribute Kveik Yeastery's multi-strain yeasts.

    Brouwland is going to distribute Kveik Yeastery's multi-strain yeasts.

    From January 2025, Kveik Yeastery's premium Kveik yeasts will be available at Brouwland. We are convinced that they can make the difference for a lot of brewers who are not averse to experimenting and trying to develop surprising beers. Because anyone who thought Kveik is only suitable for IPAs and farmhouse ales , is wrong. Even for tripels, stouts and porters you can use these top yeasts, with results!

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  • Hop water: the surprisingly simple but delicious combo of hops and sparkling water!

    Hop water: the surprisingly simple but delicious combo of hops and sparkling water!

    For those who love the intense, refreshing flavour of hops but are looking for a non-alcoholic or low-calorie alternative to beer, there is hop water! You can also find this new trend under the name ‘hop soda’, hop seltzer or ‘sparkling hop (iced) tea’. And honestly, it's surprisingly easy to make yourself! We explain to you step by step how to brew your own hop water with your favourite hop(s).

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  • How do I read malt specifications?

    How do I read malt specifications?

    Malted grains are just about the most important ingredient in beer. That is why all brewers look for the best malt. It is important to understand what is written on a malt specification sheet.  Let's go through the most important and most common parameters of such a specification sheet and explain what they mean.

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  • The importance of thorough cleaning and sanitising

    The importance of thorough cleaning and sanitising

    Being a brewer, you know that brewing beer is not just about selecting the best ingredients and following a recipe. One of the most important steps in the process is to thoroughly clean and sanitise your equipment. Some might laugh, but to brew a pure beer, the cleaning is half the job. 

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  • CO2, let's get started!

    CO2, let's get started!

    Why? The benefits are enormous! But which CO2 setup is right for my brewery and what do I need? What pressure do I set? Should I ferment under pressure too? You'll discover all the ins and outs in this blog.

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  • The green brewer's gold

    The green brewer's gold

    When you say beer, you say hops. While alpha and beta acids are identical in all hop varieties, the aromatic components differ in each hop variety. This gives brewers a world of possibilities to get creative with. We will zoom in on a few key components of hop oil.

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  • Grimbergen Brewing Competition: The Final 3!

    Grimbergen Brewing Competition: The Final 3!

    The national 'home brewing competition', organized by the Abbey of Grimbergen, attracted as many as 202 participants. The finalists, hailing from Limburg, Flemish Brabant, and Namur, will be allowed to further develop their beer under the guidance of Grimbergen's head brewer. 

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  • Water Conservation in Brewing

    Water Conservation in Brewing

    Water conservation is a hot and crucial topic in the brewing industry. Not only is water an essential ingredient in the brewing process, but it is also used for various processes in the brewery. Breweries have a strong connection to nature and agriculture, making many brewers committed to environmental sustainability. What can a home brewer do?

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  • International Bitterness Units

    International Bitterness Units

    IBU is the measure for the bitterness of beer. The IBU is calculated based on the amount of alpha acids in the hops used during the brewing process, and the time the hops are boiled in the beer. The longer the hops are boiled, the more bitterness they impart to the beer.

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  • Hops and Terroir

    Hops and Terroir

    Mentioning the specific region in the hop name is quite common, especially for hop varieties known for their unique flavour profiles and aromas influenced by the terroir in which they are grown. Many hop varieties bear the names of regions, valleys, cities, or even farms where they originate. 

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  • Visiting the largest malting plant in the world!

    Visiting the largest malting plant in the world!

    With the adage ‘know what you are selling’ in mind, we set off for Boortmalt in Antwerp to visit their impressive malting plant. Boortmalt leads the world in malt production with a staggering production capacity of 3 million tonnes.

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  • A visit to AB Biotek

    A visit to AB Biotek

    Team Brouwland was welcomed for an external training session at AB Biotek, already a familiar name to many for their innovations for spirits and wine production. Today, we took a look behind the scenes at their impressive Technical Application Centre in the Netherlands.

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  • Brouwland to distribute Belgomalt

    Brouwland to distribute Belgomalt

    This Belgian malt house aims to transform the traditional 'malt business' into a progressive and inspiring enterprise ready to address the issues that the new generation of brewers believes in. That sounds like music to our ears!

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  • Brouwland to distribute Pinnacle yeasts!

    Brouwland to distribute Pinnacle yeasts!

    With over 50 years of experience, at Brouwland, we know the importance of constantly scanning the market for innovation, quality, and opportunities. After all, that’s the essence of every craft beer brewer, big and small. So here we are… presenting a new partnership!

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  • Fruit beer with Boiron Fruit Puree

    Fruit beer with Boiron Fruit Puree

    Making fruit beer is exciting and challenging, but when you succeed, a world of flavours and creativity opens up. But how do you tackle this? What do you need to consider? Our blog and Boiron’s handy fruit puree will help get you started. 

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Showing 1 to 15 of 38 (3 Pages)